Sunday, 29 January 2012

Cookie Testing – How to do Cookie Testing?

What is Cookie?

Cookie is to be known as text a file that gets saved in the hard disk of the user’s system. Browsers are required to use the cookies which have been saved in the desired location. Informative data is recorded in the cookie and that can be retrieved for the web pages.

How to do Cookie Testing?

Being a tester, testing for the cookies is very essential since there are many web applications which include informative content and payment transactions. Below are the steps which should be considered while doing testing:
Major cookie testing involves disabling the cookie from the option available in every browser. You need to make sure that cookies are disabled and access the respective website and check the functionality of the pages that are working properly or not. Browse the whole website and see for crashes. Basically, message should be displayed as “Cookies are disabled. Please enable the cookies to browse the website easily”.
Another testing should be performed after corrupting the cookies. For corrupting the cookies you make sure the location of the cookies and manually edit respective cookie with fake figures or with any invalid data and save them. In some cases, internal information of the domain can be easily accessed/ hacked with the help of corrupted cookies. If you are testing banking or finance domain then this point should come first in your checklist.
Remove all the cookies for the website you are testing and check all the website pages that are working properly.
Cookie testing can be performed on different browsers to check whether the website is writing the cookies or not. You can check cookies manually for the existence for each and every page.
If you are testing an application which authenticate login then get logged in with valid details. You will see the Username parameter in the address bar and can change it to see the behavior of the application. You should not get logged into different user’s account. Proper message is getting displayed or not for the action you have performed.

Therefore, above discussed is the most important cookie testing concepts that tell how to do cookie testing. Cookie testing is really necessary and it should not be missed from the hands of testers while testing any web application. Cookie testing really make the application more stable if any issues found.

GUI Testing Checklist

GUI Testing Checklist

Ideally, motive of the GUI testing is to recognize your application which is according to the specific standards for graphical user interface. These checklists would be beneficial for the QA and development team. Checklist must be comprises of all the GUI components that will be tested systematically. Below is the checklist which is really beneficial for every tester to perform under GUI testing for specific application:

Colors used in the web application:
Check the colors for the hyperlinks.
Background color for all the pages should be tested.
Color for the warning message should be checked.

Content used in the web application:
Font on the whole website should be same according the requirements.
Check that content is properly aligned or not.
All the labels should be proper aligned
Check all the content for respective words to be in lower and upper case.
Check all the error message on the screen and should not have any spelling mistake.

Images used in the web application:
Check all the graphics should be proper aligned.
Check for the broken images all over.
Check the size for the graphics used or uploaded.
Check all the banners and their size.
Check the buttons for the respective command like size, font and font size.

Navigation in the application:
All the tabs should be loaded on time.
Tabs should be displayed in sequence.
All the tabs from the left to right should be correct according to the requirements.
Check scrollbar is getting displayed if required.
Check all the links given in the sitemap and see for broken links.

Usability in the application:
Check the font size and it should be readable.
Check the spelling for all the fields that they are prompting properly or not.
Check whole website’s look and feel.
Test the website in all resolutions like 640×480 etc.

Hence, if the entire checklist followed then there is no chance of missing any requirement from the hands of tester and developer. It is suggested to draft all the points in the excel sheet and add the columns pass and fail against each checklist. And send the development team after performing testing cycle. There are other tools which are also available and it is apart from the manual testing like web link validator to check broken link and online w3c validator tool for checking usability standards.

How to Perform GUI Testing? Points to take care

How to Perform GUI Testing?

Basically GUI testing is performed to check the user interface and test the functionality working properly or not. GUI testing involves several tasks like to test all object events, mouse events, menus, fonts, images, content, control lists, etc. GUI testing improves the overall look and feel of the application according to the requirements. User interface for the website should be designed to attract the audiences globally. There are both options available to the testers one is manual and second is to automate with the use of an automation tool like QTP. There is planning required for all the stages in testing.

Below discussed points will let to know how to perform GUI Testing:
First of all tester should be aware and understand design documents for the testing application. All the mentioned requirements need to be checked properly with exact figures for font size, images, navigations, controls listed in the application.
Create the environment and test the application in different browsers like Mozilla, IE, Opera, and Safari. Sometimes design for the application does not work or behave properly in other browsers. So, make sure you are testing in all the browsers.
Testers can check manually and if you are finding it difficult to test if application has N number of pages then chooses the option to automate the application. You can easily record the application with all respective controls to test with. And at the end iterations can be checked that they are passed or failed.
Prepare a checklist for the GUI testing since there are many things which is related to the user interface. Make out in one sheet and execute them for the application.
Prepare all the test cases for the user interface to perform the GUI testing effectively.
Tester should divide all the modules which are available in the application and start performing testing module wise. This process can be easily tested and there are high chances of getting defects.

Above mentioned points are very beneficial in performing GUI testing. Tester should be more focussed on how to test the application. Planning to test the system or application is very necessary to achieve the respective goals with the help of GUI testing. Testing should be performed in keeping mind the perspective of the users who will come and use the application. Remember first impression is last impression.